Boy sees girl. Girl sees boy. Both swipe right, because the year is 2016 and it’s a dating app.


The first date.

Hey there, I like your style.

We met on a dating app. Tommy complimented Meg on her style, a perfect opener in Meg’s book. We chatted about pretty much everything. It was effortless.

Tommy, already falling hard, asked Meg out for a drink. No response. After two of the longest weeks (!!) in existence, Meg responded “yes.” (Tommy: Meg claims she wasn’t checking the app, but I still mess with her about it to this day).

Tommy had already told Meg where he lived, and so when we were picking a date spot, Meg revealed a secret: they were swiping and chatting…from the same apartment complex. In all fairness, you gotta be careful nowadays! Tommy made a dad joke about “staying in the neighborhood,” and Meg (in true form) asked if we’d be having “dinner” with drinks.

We ended up at a local Italian restaurant. When Meg ordered a whiskey, Tommy made it two. He also nervously ordered a mountain of food because he didn’t know what she liked. The food went uneaten, and one drink turned into three. We clicked instantly.

In a move that will surprise no one, Meg still took the leftovers, which she subsequently forgot in her car because she was so distracted by her excitement.


The Annual Mammoth Trip.

Meet Meg’s Parents…While Learning To Ski. No Biggie.

We’d been dating for a few months when Meg popped the question, “Join me for my family’s annual ski trip in Mammoth?”

"Of course," Tommy replied, “But, I will be snowboarding.” To this day, Meg is still learning to accept that she is, in fact, marrying a non-practicing snowboarder.

It was Tommy’s first time on the slopes, and he had his work cut out for him. Beyond meeting Meg's parents for the first time, the Kaiser bunch had him going down a black diamond within a few hours of being on the mountain. He was a little (read: A LOT) bruised up and so the first one ready for après ski (Meg: sigh, snowboard) drinks and jacuzzi. A keeper.

We still go to Mammoth every year with Meg’s family, and it holds a special place in our hearts.


The Portland Trip.

Why Portland, OR Became Our Special Place.

On a lark, Tommy went to Portland as an alt. Spring Break in college and had always been looking for an excuse to come back. Meg had never been, so who better to join?

This would also be our first solo trip as a couple. Big next step!

Obviously, being in the food and beer capital of the Pacific Northwest, every second was perfect. From the dinner dates to the hiking and sightseeing, it’s safe to say that we fell in love with the city and each other on that trip.

Tommy joked at one point that his boss had asked before he left if he was “bringing any hardware” (AKA ring). And at one of our meals on the trip the waiter came over and asked if we were recently engaged. Subtle...

The universe clearly had something to say, and though we had a few more years of dating in us, we both look back to this trip as the moment we recognized our partner, in love and life.


The proposal.

“Will you marry me?” “DUH!”

After three years of growth, adventure, and life together Tommy and Meg found themselves returning to Portland, OR to celebrate New Year’s Eve and their anniversary. Little did Meg know, Tommy had a surprise up his sleeve (quite literally - that’s where he was hiding the ring!).

Our trip began just outside of Portland in the Willamette Valley for a few days of wine tasting. Also unbeknownst to Meg, everyone they met (hotel concierge, designated driver, etc.) was in on the plan. He talked to them daily (really, hourly) in the weeks leading up to the big day. January weather in northern Oregon is almost exclusively overcast and likely also raining. Good timing... (Tommy: I had back up plans just in case, but we really just went for it!)

Well, there was no rain, but there were some happy tears! All alone at the top of a quiet hillside vineyard, the chill of our own breath keeping the wine cold, Tommy found the perfect spot to get down on one knee. And we were engaged!